Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Passage to India Essay Example

A Passage to India Essay E. M. Forsters novel, A Passage to India, is a look into the lives of both the colonizer and the colonized. While the plight of the colonized is tragic, filled with degrading images of subjugated civilizations and noble people reduced to mere laborers, it is the colonizer, the British of India, and their rapid change from newly arrived colonist to rigid and unforgiving ruler that draws my interest. The characters constantly comment on these changes that occur to the British once they adjust to the imperialist lifestyle. In the second chapter of the novel Hamidullah, a Muslim character, remarks to his friends, Yes, they have no choice here, that is my point. They come out intending to be gentlemen and are told it will not do. . . . I give any Englishman two years. . . . And I give any Englishwoman six months (Forster 7). Miss Quested constantly worries about becoming this caricature of her former self and also recognizes the changes in her husband-to-be, Ronny, as he fits into the British ruling class lifestyle. Fielding looks at the uncaring people his compatriots have become and marvels as he befriends an Indian Muslim. Is it possible that colonialism has an effect on the colonizer as well as the colonized? Forster clearly demonstrates that colonialism is not only a tragedy for the colonized, but effects a change on the colonizer as well. But how and why does this change occur? Aime Cesaire proposed that it is simply the savage nature of colonization that changes man into their most primal state (20). This does not work because there is no blatant savagery as in Heart of Darkness. We will write a custom essay sample on A Passage to India specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on A Passage to India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on A Passage to India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Forster doesnt seem to be parading the cruelty of the colonizer. Thomas Gladwin and Ahmad Saidin suggest that the change is simply the myth of the white man as the British citizens assert their crowns of supposed natural, higher intelligence and worth (47). This does seem to be a good argument because of the superiority that the British colonists take upon themselves in the novel, sequestering themselves in the British club that no mere Indian can be a part of. However, it doesnt account for the more inquisitive and benevolent natures of Adela and Mr. Fielding and their acts and opinions toward the Indian people. In his essay Shooting and Elephant, George Orwell states that: When the white man turns tyrant it is his own freedom that he destroys. He becomes a sort of hollow, posing dummy, the conventionalized figure of a sahib. For it is the condition of his rule that he shall spend his life in trying to impress the natives, and so in every crisis he has got to do what the natives expect of him. He wears a mask and his face grows to fit. (152) Orwell suggests that the change is merely the taking on of a role and that the colonizer is an actor required to play the part of the British ruler. It is expected by the native people, and also by their fellow colonists. This expectation is shown through the comment of Hamidallah and his insistence of the inevitable change. It is expected. It is the acceptance of this role is the change that affects the characters in A Passage to India, and if this is the accepted norm, then it goes to reason that those who do not accept it will find themselves outcasts of the society they reject. This is what I intend to show by comparing the plights of Forsters characters Ronny, Adela, and Fielding, as I explore their differing approaches to this role and the effects that come of either accepting or rejecting it . The first groups of colonizers are those who accept the act of leadership whole-heartedly. They separate themselves from the population, declaring their own superiority over the masses as they build their walled compounds content to be out of sight and sound of any Indians, with the exception of their servants (of course) (Kurinan 44). They seek to make Britain in India, rather than accepting and glorifying the resident cultures. They remain strangers to it, practically living in a separate country they provided for themselves, yet ruling one that they remained aloof from (Eldridge 170). This is the Englishman or woman who feels that without British rule everything will fall to ruin and chaos, anarchy being the ruling class in their stead (Kurinan 33). This is also the class that Albert Memmi, author of The Colonizer and the Colonized (and a former colonized citizen himself), calls the colonizer who accepts (45). It is the colonizer who accepts his or her given role as ruler and god over the colonized people. Memmi supports Orwells idea of the role they play by stating that the colonizer must assume the opaque rigidity and imperviousness of stone. In short, he must dehumanize himself as well (xxvii). Those who accept the role of the British administrator lose a part of themselves in the process, becoming an actor instead of a man, doing what is expected, not what is right. Forster picks up on this idea as well. Ronny Healsop is the character that exemplifies the ruling class of the nineteenth century British colonizers. He fulfills the characteristics of the administrative class. He adopts the aloof and chilly manner that was characteristic, caring only about his superiority over the Indians and his evenings at the club with his own kind (Kurinan 43). He shows his callousness and robotic adherence to his role as magistrate in India in an argument with his mother. Were out here to do justice and keep the peace. Themes my sentiments. India isnt a drawing room. Youre sentiments are those of a god, she said quietly, but it was his manner rather than his sentiments that annoyed her. Trying to recover his temper, he said, India likes gods. And Englishmen like posing as gods. Theres no point in all this. Here we are, and were going to stop, and the countrys got to put up with us, gods or no gods. . . .I am out here to work, mind, to hold this wretched country by force. Im not a missionary or a Labor Member or a vague sentimental sympathetic literary man. Im just a servant of the Government. . . .Were not pleasant in India, and we dont intend to be pleasant. Weve something more important to do (51-52). Ronny dehumanizes himself with his constant ravings about having more important things to do in India than being pleasant to the natives. He puts himself up as a god, only there for justice and to hold the country together by force. He sheds any ideas of sentiment and in doing so shows how such ideas are looked upon with derision by the ruling class of the colony. Adela, Ronnys intended fiancee, recognizes this loss of humanity in him from his arguments. She thinks about his manner and it upsets her that he did rub it in that he was not in India to behave pleasantly, and derived positive satisfaction there from! . . . The traces of young-man humanitarianism sloughed (52). What she doesnt realize is that Ronny is merely accepting his role as Orwells conventionalized figure of a sahib and Memmis typical colonizer: harsh and cold with no time or inclination toward sentiment. Adela Quested is troubled by this conventionalized role. She comes to India to see its wonders and to connect with its people. Her first moments of seeing Ronny are telling because they show her reluctance to take upon herself the role of the British administrative archetype. She marvels at how he has changed and how unsympathetic he is to those he rules over. This idea is something that haunts her as she continually struggles with the role she must take on if she marries Ronny and remains in India. She has a hard time reconciling the notion of the India she sees with that she must be apart of. In front, like a shutter, fell a vision of her married life. She and Ronny would look into the club like this every evening, then drive home to dress; they would see the Lesleys and the Callenders and the Turtons and the Burtons, and invite them and be invited by them while the true India slid by unnoticed (48). Adela does not wish to be a part of the society that Ronny is so fond of. She even goes so far as to ask an Indian about how she can avoid becoming as the other women, something that no other British woman would do. As she rejects her role as actress in the British imperial play, Adela becomes Memmis colonizer who refuses (19), becoming contemptible in the sight of the English society of India. Those who did not accept this role were viewed as the enemy in the imperial point of view. Memmi points out that those who enter the colonies must accept or go home. There is no middle ground. Those who show signs of humanitarian romanticism are viewed as the worst of all dangers and are on the side of the enemy (20). Adelas thoughts are always viewed as naive and idealistic, but everyone has faith that she will fit in in time. The British laugh at her notions of wanting to see the real India that they try to shut out every day, but they figure that she will fall in line in the end. But what happens if she doesnt? Adelas refusal to pursue charges against Aziz when she realizes her folly in accusing him of attempted molestation leaves her ostracized. She rejects the role of imperialist colonizer and must live with the consequences. Those who were once her greatest supporters, fawning over her illness and pretending to be so caring and concerned, now become her most vehement enemies. Memmi observed that those colonizers who felt their ideas were betrayed became vicious (21). As Adela found out after her acquitting remarks on Azizas behalf, her friends turned against her, her superiors denounced her, and even Ronny left her. Adela realizes that if she doesnt choose to wear the mask of imperialism that one belongs nowhere and becomes a public nuisance without realizing it. . .I speak of India. I am not astray in (291). One key element of her statement is that she is only a nuisance in India. Memmi asserts that those who are good cannot stay in the colony (21). The best of people must leave because they cannot accept the consequences of their remaining as a colonist. This idea also shows that these changes in character are only exhi bited in India. The English in England share differing opinions and ideas. They are not caught in the play as the colonists are and so it shows that a definite change exists between leaving England and acclimatizing to India. Therefore, Adela, although cast out from the imperial administrative class of , may remain unchanged and return to . The last character is that of Fielding. Fielding takes on the role of the colonizer who refuses, but he takes a different path than Adela. Instead of leaving he turns to the colonized for support. Fielding always connects with the Indians. He has no qualms about speaking to them or visiting them in their homes, even visiting Aziz when he falls ill. He doesnt frequent the club, because he doesnt share all of the same opinions that the ruling English colonizers do. Fielding also realizes the truth that the real India lays not in the British imperial scope, but in the Indians themselves. When Adela is expressing her desires to see the real India, Ronny asks Fielding how one sees the real India. Fieldings answer is Try seeing Indians (25). This question results in many of the people at the club talking about how they see too many Indians and too often. This comment about seeing the real India through its people, however, shows a definite sympathy with a conquered people, more than any of the other British people were willing to show at any point. Fielding takes his rejection of the imperialist nature so far as to support and defend the natives against his own people. When Aziz is accused of assault on Adela, Fielding is the first to come to his aid, forsaking his own people. He even defiles the sanctity of the club, choosing it to be his battle ground and denouncing his own people and the play that they have chosen to act in. He makes a very bold statement to the amazement of his fellow British subjects. He declares, I believe Dr. Aziz to be innocent. . . . If he is guilty I resign from my service, and leave India. I resign from the club now (210). He completely rejects his people in their chosen sanctuary, defiling their temple of Britishness and becoming their number one enemy. He is immediately denounced as he rejects this role of imperial aristocrat for benevolent humanitarian. He refuses the mask and doesnt just walk away from it, as Adela must eventually do, but he stomps on it. He in no way forsakes his British heritage, but he realizes that friendship is possible with the Indians, and he is willing to fight for his cause. He becomes the moral hero to the Indians, a quality that Memmi says is important to his acceptance into their confidence. But, Memmi also states that Fielding cannot completely join them because above all he is still British and therefore holds the same ideas and prejudices that he grew up with (45). That is unavoidable because, after all, Fielding is still a British citizen, something that cant be erased. In the end Fielding does turn back to his own people, marrying an English girl, but I think it is significant that he returns to England to find this girl, who is connected with Miss Quested and Mrs. Moore, the two idealistic characters in the novel. Fielding becomes more of a part of the imperial ociety with his marriage ties, but he remains free of the change that occurs in the colonies by making his match away from India. He stays free of the role of imperial actor and continues on with his notions of friendship and peace with the Indian people. I assert that Forster presented Fielding as an example of how to resist the imperial Indian machine and yet still maintain his British culture. Fielding is the most sympathetic, not wavering on his regard for the people, only realizing the differences that may lie between their personalities and cultures. When he becomes the colonizer that refuses, Fielding shows that resistance of the changes that come upon the colonizer is possible and that the role of imperial actor may be refused. Imperialism was a British institution for a long time. It brought British people in contact with many cultures and peoples. It also helped them to affect a great amount of change on indigenous ways of life. The images and accounts of the brutality and callousness of the Imperial administrators are legendary and will always be the most examined part of its long stretch until its fall in the twentieth century. These effects on the native cultures are important, as are the accounts of their plights, however now we can see that Imperialism and colonization didnt only affect the colonized, but that it had an effect on the colonizer as well. Aime Cesaire stated that colonial activity, colonial enterprise, colonial conquest, which is based on contempt for the nature and justified by that contempt, inevitable tends to change him who undertakes it (20). Living the life of imperialism has its stamp. It cant help but have it. As George Orwell insinuated, it is a play, and the imperial citizens and administrators were actors, trying to play their parts as demi-gods with great confidence and authority (Kuinan 55). When any person did not live up to the art of performance, they either returned to England or joined in the plight of the native, being ostracized from their people. Forster presents a picture of this Imperial England. A Passage to India provides a perfect stage in which to watch the action play out among those who accept their role and those who rebel, whether knowingly or not. His portrayal of the characters Ronny, Adela, and Fielding show the three different types of colonizers that Memmi observed in his own life as a suppressed native. Each character portrays a different situation and mind set, demonstrating the different alternatives in the colonial/imperial life. Through these characters we truly see the effects that imperialism had on not only the colonized, but also the colonizer, showing that no one is immune .

Monday, November 25, 2019

The application and implementation of short term and long

The application and implementation of short term and long Introduction For any given Company, Business, Firm or Organization, it is the paramount duty of that Institution’s Human Resources or Compensation Committee to recognize the crucial role people play in the achievement of both the Institution’s short-term and long-term objectives as a key source of gaining advantage over its competitors1.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The application and implementation of short term and long-term remuneration reward plan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, for the Institution to grow and become successful it must not only be able to attract talented and capable employees, but also to retain and motivate such employees. Employee remuneration thus becomes one of strategies that are employed by successful institutions to not only attract and retain top talents, but also as a strategy to remove ineffective and under-performing employees.2 To enforce this, such Ins titutions employ short term and long-term remuneration and reward plans. The United State of Florida defines short-term rewards and benefits as benefits payable to individuals in an affected unit under an approved short-time compensation plan.3 In the general sense, short-term compensation refers to a pay strategy where evaluations of an individual or organizational performance have significant sway on the amount of pay increases or bonuses given to each employee.4 It may also refer to a system of compensation where employees are paid according the amount of hours, extra sales or targets achieved by an employee.5 In this remuneration scheme, employers are spared the expense of recruiting, hiring, and training new personnel. In turn, the employees are spared the hardships of full-time unemployment thus a more flexible means of working. Long-term rewards and compensation scheme is aimed towards the attraction and retention of capable employees to enable an institution achieve its long -term goals and objectives. This means that a company can afford to spend more money on training, recruiting and hiring new employees.6Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It therefore includes the payment of salaries, house allowances, insurance and other benefits payable to an employee as stipulated by the law.7 This makes this reward scheme to be deemed by employees more financially secure and sustainable. New University graduate students often require financial security with a vision of becoming top professionals within their respective careers. They therefore prefer a long-term rewards and benefits plan that offers security in employment and an incentive to excel in their careers. Whereas in the past most employers remuneration strategies were rigid and did not allow for creativity,8 present remuneration strategies require creativity on the part of the employer w ith employee motivation and welfare placed at the centre of these strategies.9 This now entails the payment of perquisites, commissions, bonuses, special awards, profit sharing, stock options and cost reduction incentives.10 This report will therefore examine how these long-term and short-term remuneration and reward plans are implemented and measured to remove ineffective and under-performing employees at the modern day work place. The Justification of Long-Term and Short-Term Rewards Plan The introduction of a pay for performance remuneration system provides the best platform to employ both long-term and short-term remuneration and reward plan to remove ineffective and under-performing employees at the modern day work place. This is because the system links a worker’s pay to some measure of personal or organizational pay performance, usually through an official performance assessment.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The application and implementat ion of short term and long-term remuneration reward plan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, ineffective employees under this system of remuneration can be easily identified due to their incapacity to meet the company’s goals and targets hence excluded from payment of incentives. This will eventually create room for dismissal such employees. Pay for performance system can include a variety of rewards for exceeding average performance. One such reward is the payment of bonuses. Bonuses represent an amount of pay that is â€Å"at risk† every year. This is in contrast to basic pay, which is fixed, and primarily reflects an employee’s market value, and thus bonuses ought to depend solely on performance. When the employee excels, he may receive a sizable bonus, but if the employee’s performance is lower, he may not receive a bonus and his salary drops to the base rate.11 As a result, above average employees are assured a certain salary, with the prospective for earning more. On the other hand, ineffective and under performing employees do not earn any extra rewards and are thus encouraged to either raise their performances or face lay offs. Payment of bonuses is a justifiable motivation tool for employees because they give employees the much needed extra incentive to work harder to augment the base rate wage thereby increasing the company’s wages. In fact, market trends indicate that bonuses increased employee motivation levels by up to 10%.12It should however be noted that bonuses should be payable to excellent employees only on a yearly basis. Performance-based compensation increases are another form of short-term rewards that can be incorporated into long-term remuneration to offer incentives to high-performing employees in a company. In contrast to bonuses, performance-based pay increases are integrated into the employee’s base pay and are generally only adjusted upward. Organizations may differ in how they move staff through the performance-based wage scales. Some pay systems include predetermined levels, which employees step through in an orderly manner, while others allow the supervisors to determine salary amounts anywhere within a broad range.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When the employee’s performance warrants a raise, the employee receives an increase. The main difference of performance-based compensation increase with bonuses is that whereas bonus is paid annually, performance based-compensation increases are permanent. Hence, an ineffective employee cannot be entitled to a raise where his/her performance does not warrant a raise. The offering of the company’s stake through stock options is a long-term remuneration strategy that is employed to attract and retain highly qualified individuals, especially at the management levels. Company’s and top institutions have realized that in order to retain top talents within their institutions, they need to offer a sought of entitlement to their top performers to tie them to the company. This is a paradigm shift from past practices where employers thought that the mere payment of hefty of hefty wages was enough to tie top talents to their companies. Commission is generally based on the performance of an individual or team and is commonly applied to sales people. It is usually paid sales people either individually or as a group depending on the number of sales made or the targets achieved by the employees either individually or as a group. Commissions may offer an attractive pay to employees who are highly active in their jobs and are an extra source of income for employees who reach and exceed their targets. In recent times, employers have been creative with the use of commissions to motivate highly productive employees. As opposed to the past practice of basing employees’ base pay on commission, employers may pay a sizeable amount of pay and leave the bulk of pay to be on commission per sale made by the employees. In this way, highly productive employees take home the base pay in addition to the percentage of the commission of the sales they make. This gives the employee a chance to earn a lot more money through commissions. On the side of the employer, it is a plus sign as the employer stands a chance of making more sales from increased merchandise sales. It also creates a healthy competition among the workers who may try overriding their colleagues in the sale of the company’s product. Many employers take advantage of this by introducing individual awards such as ‘best individual performer’ whereby the winner may also be awarded with the further payment of a bonus award. In such a scenario, ineffective employees who are unable to meet the targets or are unable to compete with the rest may voluntarily resign from the work. This remuneration strategy thus be utilized to remove ineffective and under-performing employees and to retain valued and talented employees. Conclusion Employee remuneration and rewards strategies should be flexible to meet the changing dynamics of the modern day employment needs. They should therefore not only incorporate strategies to retain effective talent, but also to get rid of ineffecti ve and unproductive employees. By thus adopting and implementing the aforementioned remuneration strategies that incorporate both the long-term and shot-term remuneration strategies, a modern day employer is able to remove ineffective and under-performing employees while on the other hand retaining valued and talented employees. Bibliography A Report to the President and the Congress of the United States by the U.S. Merit  Systems Australian and International Experience. October 2, 2011. P.5 Coulson J. Scot, ‘Module 6: Remuneration Strategies’, Day, John and Fitton, Gary. Best practice long-term incentive based remuneration:  The Australian and International Experience. October 2, 2010. Pp7-13. Labor Section 443.011, Title XXXI of the Florida Statutes 43.1115.html Michael C. Jensen, ‘Remuneration: Where we’ve been, how we got to here, what are  the Problems, and how to fix them’ p.20 Protection Board, Designing an Effective Pay for Performance Compensation System Randall S. Hansen, ‘Responding to Requests for Salary Requirements or Salary  Histories: Resource-Management. As at October 2, 2011. Specke, John. Human Resource Management Strategies and Suggestions. 2nd October  2011. P.3 Stone, R.J. Human Resource Management. Queensland: John Wiley Sons. Footnotes 1 John C. Specke, Human Resource Management p.3 as at 2nd October 2011. 2 A Report to the President and the Congress of the United States by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, Designing an Effective Pay for Performance Compensation System. Available a t 3Labor Section 443.011, Title XXXI of the Florida Statutes 4 Supra note 2, p.1 5 Michael C. Jensen, ‘Remuneration: Where we’ve been, how we got to here, what are the problems, and how to fix them’ p.20 6 John K Day and Gary D Fitton, ‘Best practice long term incentive based Remuneration: The Australian and International Experience’ p.5 as at 2nd October 2011 7 Ibid. 8 Randall S. Hansen, ‘Responding to Requests for Salary Requirements or Salary Histories: Strategies and Suggestions’ 2nd October 2011. 9 Coulson J. Scot, ‘Module 6: Remuneration Strategies’, Pp7-13 2nd October. 10 Ibid. 11 Supra note 2 at p.14 12 Supra note 2 Figure 2 at p.15

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Financial Markets & institutions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial Markets & institutions - Assignment Example They have low interest rates in terms of a constant fixed rate or settled upon maturity and are short term. The Aljazira capital Document 2014 document covers issues that appertain to: calendar anomalies, the effect of valuation on the performance of a company in the market and technical pointers in a trending market among others. Some of the anomalies include the best performance of the index upon trading on the first day of the week with a strategy of selling the holdings on Sunday and avoiding to buy them on the same day. The other anomaly includes the monthly returns differentiated across that necessitates investing in a short-term gain before the Ramadhan period. Shadow banking is an interconnection of specific financial institutions that have no banking permits like Money markets and Special Purpose Entity Conduits (Brycce, 2000) meant to inspect and ensure secure funding from the savers to investors of finances. Shadow banks transform home mortgages into securities through mortgages being regarded as a pack of loans to back up a security sold by investors. On the other hand, Conventional banks raise funds through the depositors who have surplus and through lending to other individuals who have limited funds. Brycce, H. (2000). Financial and strategic management for non-profit organizations: a comprehensive reference to legal, financial, management, and operations rules and guidelines for non-profits. Jossey-Bass Publishers, 3rd Edition,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Flexibility development in the warehouse planning and design for Essay

Flexibility development in the warehouse planning and design for future - Essay Example Simple data warehousing (long-term storage of detailed data) may be useful for archival purposes to back up ad hoc databases from direct training or training management. However, the requirements of tomorrow's warehousing software involves the active participation of not a large amount of workers, rather a few number of man power is required along with an appropriate qualification and motivation to do the job. Such individuals would be well trained to make the software a success with ease in work. They would be active enough to participate in demand planning to anticipate market demand, supply planning to allocate the right amount of enterprise resources to meet consumer's demand and demand fulfilment to fill customer orders quickly and efficiently. This form of data is of little use for strategic training management. An analogy would be a collection of partially manufactured subassemblies and raw materials that require significant processing in order to become a final product usable by strategic training management. Because of the need to combine data across such categories as schools, time, and budget categories, the amount of disaggregated and descriptive data is likely to cause a scale problem today. By this we mean both the amount of storage space required to hold these data and the amount of time needed to combine and manipulate the data to make them useful for decision-making. This won't happen in future warehousing software. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Technology Systems would be involved in warehousing to great extent in the form of transceiver, transponder or in the form of a tag which by using throughout the supply chain, configure-to-order assemblers would closely coordinate the arrival of components for final assembly. Future warehouse management technologies would perform the function of finite scheduling and process sequencing of orders thereby managing all the constraints of the present warehousing that includes insufficient labour, physical space and value added processing. Many formerly custom-programmed features are now built into today's Warehouse Management Systems. Functionality often includes batch picking, zone selection, and velocity analysis as well as Web interface functions, E-commerce applications, inventory visibility productivity metrics, inventory cycle counting, labour management, and the ability to support multiple facilities from a single computer. The concept underlying today's Warehousing System software is to build an end-to-end, process-integrated logistics flow. In addition, there is a higher level of configurability. In the future, Warehousing Management System functionality will continue to broaden. For example, adding postponement and a visual-process modelling tool so that the warehouse management system will respond to change more easily. There will be an increasing focus on dynamic

Monday, November 18, 2019

Speech Perception and Language Processing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Speech Perception and Language Processing - Essay Example WM has three systems with interactive mechanisms (Montgomery, Magimairai, & Maianisha, 2010). WM enables language comprehension in children of different ages. Though they are affected by the surrounding environment, WM plays an important role in processing of all incoming input on these children. Through the different systems that cooperate and coordinate with the working memory, language development is easily achieved in a normal child. However, the system has a fine attention to resources such as the mental energy that is always controlled in a flexible manner to achieve all bodily functions more easily. Children with specific language impairment normally do not have an impaired WM (Montgomery, Magimairai, & Maianisha, 2010). On the contrary, they also exhibit nonverbal intelligence unlike children with specific language impairment. Also, there are less or no developmental disabilities such as autism. From various researches that have been conducted by various institutions, children with specific language impairment rarely have limitations in working memory. In most cases, these kinds of children represent a heterogeneous population that has a language deficit depending on the surrounding nature. Most of them demonstrate working memory limitations according to these reports. Additionally, children with specific language impairment have a very slow vocabulary growth. Mostly, they have trouble in practicing and learning new words. The reason behind this is that they have a problem in encoding and storing new words in their memory. Hence, we can clearly affirm that children with specif ic language impairment have an impaired working memory. According to an article published by Montgomery, children with specific language impairment normally have a deficit in working memory especially in typically developing children (Montgomery, Magimairai, & Maianisha, 2010).

Friday, November 15, 2019

Interpersonal Ethical Positions

Interpersonal Ethical Positions The interpersonal ethical positions include the nature of man approach, the nature of communication approach, communication as a social contract, communication as a relationship, communication as dialogue, and the ethic of care. Each of these has a basis in how to treat others, how to handle specific situations, and how they interact with the other positions. I will be discussing their application in a couple of cases, as well as how my of interpersonal ethos ties in with my professional ethics. First and foremost, Aristotles view of human nature emphasizes the capacity for reason as a uniquely human attribute. This type of ethics stems from a rational and conscious person and what they do freely. This view argues that whatever affirms that nature is ethical and whatever subverts it is unethical. The issue with this view is that emotion is somewhat excluded from ethical consideration, and thus does not properly reflect human nature. The human nature approach is extremely useful in figuring out what persuasive tactics are ethical and what arent. The human nature view influences how I treat others because it keeps me from viewing situations with my emotions at the forefront, it helps me view situations where I view people rationally and realize they do indeed consciously make decisions. I believe this application is situational, because it is not always proper to view others as rational beings, sometimes people make mistakes due to emotional sway, mental illness, etc. Another theory, the nature of communication approach focuses on the idea that facilitating the sharing of meaning is ethical and whatever subverts shared meaning would be unethical. This type of communication puts forth the theory that unethical communication hampers shared meaning and mutual understanding. This works to correct situations such as lying, group think, coercion and persuasion, but also tends to be overly simplistic. The nature of communication view influences how I treat others because it reminds me that communication with others is about mutual understanding between communicators. It reminds me to be truthful and straightforward in my communication with others. I believe this application is universal because it is always important to have shared communication with others, and that unethical communication leads to skewed meaning and understanding. The social contract approach follows the premise that individuals come together because they are motivated by their own self-interest and agree to standards of conduct to form a social contract. This approach states that communication situations are implied social contracts with mutually presumed standards. This encompasses relationship ethics, managerial ethics, and the ethics of teamwork. Social contractarianism is a very useful structure for developing a professional ethos, especially for public relations practitioners. The social contract view influences how I treat others because it reminds me that people will sometimes follow their own self-interests before the interests of others, so it is best to find a middle ground to communicate on. I believe this application is situational because not all communication is based on people who are completely self-interested. The theory of communication as a relationship sets a standard that communication is the most important element in a relationship. It states that ethical communication is the most important element in maintaining relationships. The nature of the relationship itself determines the ethical parameters of the communication. In this view, ethical communication is one of honest and open exchange of information. This is important to professional roles and fulfillment of the responsibilities of professional relationships and is useful in communication professions. The communication as a relationship view influences how I treat others because it informs me about the concept of relationships as a huge part of communication as a whole while remaining ethical. It allows me to openly communicate with others as I deem fit. I believe this application is universal because communication builds relationships both personal and professional and reminds us all to choose openness in our communication. Communication as dialogue sets communication as the true concern for the welfare and fulfillment of others. It also emphasizes choice making in response to the demands of specific situations. It requires sensitivity to role responsibilities of such relationships as teacher-pupil, doctor-patient, etc. This highlights specific communication responsibilities which may be unclear in other situations because it requires everyone to be equally enabled to fully participate. The communication as dialogue view influences how I treat others because it sets forth the idea of concern for the welfare of other instead of just the idea of self-fulfillment, while also setting precedents for various types of communication relationships with full engagement. I believe this application is once again situational, because people are sometimes more concerned with themselves than others, though it does provide situational clarity. The ethics of caring stems from feminist ethics but separates itself from feminism in a few ways. Generally, the ethics of care rejects oppression, questions rationality over emotion, of detachment over engagement, of the public sphere over the private sphere, and of individuals over relationships. The ethic of care goes against the dispassionate approaches and has relevance to all types of communication ethics, especially interpersonal ethics. The ethics of caring view influences how I treat others because it truly excels in denying oppression, and covers communication as a bilateral process as opposed to a unilateral process, and is especially relevant for interpersonal relationships. I believe this application is universal because we should always strive to create caring communication both personally and professionally. As I am including more than one position, I will discuss how the human nature view, social contract view, and dialogue view interact. The human nature view reminds us to uphold the importance of human reason to ethics, and the social contract and dialogue view can be merged to remind us that there is always self-interest as well as concern for others mingled into communication ethics. From my own experience, I remember that after my father passed I became so close to my therapist as a child that I often considered her part of my family, and communicated with her as such. She had lost a parent as well and we were both able to openly communicate about our experiences. I believe that I used the communication as a relationship view because I was comfortable enough with my therapist to communicate honestly with her. The outcome of using this ethic was a professional relationship of mutual respect and concern. Another experience for me was trying to befriend someone who lived in a higher socioeconomic status than I did. She was kind but didnt want to be friends because it would look odd to her other affluent friends. After hanging out a few times, she came to realize that it didnt matter what others thought, or what the norm was, and we have been best friends ever since. I believe in this case I used the ethics of caring view in cementing my friendship because we were b oth able to look past societal norms. Luckily, the outcome of this is a lifelong friendship with a very genuine person. The implications of my interpersonal ethos for your professional ethics is that I am much more likely to follow a code which is universal, inclusive of others, and concerned with the emotions and connections involved in communicating with others. Both of my ethos relate to my personal goals because I wish to be able to passionately present my viewpoints and information in communication, but I must also remember not to rely solely on emotion in my professional career there is a time for emotion but there is also time for pure logic.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

This self-portrait is the last ever self-portrait painted by Vincent Es

This self-portrait is the last ever self-portrait painted by Vincent van Gogh before he died on the 29th July 1890 as a result of a self-inflicted bullet wound. This self-portrait is the last ever self-portrait painted by Vincent van Gogh before he died on the 29th July 1890 as a result of a self-inflicted bullet wound. The first thing I notice when I look at the painting is the amount of blue used to create the background, the jacket and also the darker, shaded areas on van Gogh’s face. I think van Gogh did this for a few reasons, * One reason could be to show the way that he felt while he was painting, which could of been sad or â€Å"blue†. This is a possibility as van Gogh was known for his sad lifestyle which would eventually lead to him mutilating his ear after an argument with the artist Paul Gaugin, becoming a voluntary patient at the St. Remy Mental Asylum and then finally, shooting himself in a suicide attempt and dying two days later. * Another reason for the exaggerated use of blue could be down the fact that van Gogh wanted to make the reader feel as if it was cold or icy in the painting. * One more reason could be to give the impression that van Gogh is standing outside and the blue is the sky in the background. I can tell that van Gogh is not at a happy time in his life as his expression is gloomy and miserable. I think that the odd swirls in the background could be seen as symbolic of his mental state at the time. Whilst van ...